Festival Walk > BEYORG | Beyond Organic >
其中一款夏日必備補濕產品推介: Nuori高效補濕面膜, 高濃度且質感輕盈, 為缺水肌膚提供高效修護, 可當作睡眠面膜使用, 而且很適合經常旅遊的人士, 能迅速為肌膚補充水分。
其中一款夏日必備補濕產品推介: Nuori高效補濕面膜, 高濃度且質感輕盈, 為缺水肌膚提供高效修護, 可當作睡眠面膜使用, 而且很適合經常旅遊的人士, 能迅速為肌膚補充水分。塗上面後能迅速被肌膚吸收, 不留痕跡同時亦沒有黏膩的質感。能有效舒緩及抗炎, 讓肌膚回復均勻的膚色。 One of the must-have summer hydrating products: Nuori Supreme Moisture Mask, an intensely moisturizing treatment strengthens and revitalizes dehydrated and distressed skin, can be used as an over-night treatment or a quick moisture boost for frequent travelers. The product absorbs quickly after application and leaves an invisible, non-stic...ky layer on the skin. The soothing and anti-inflammatory benefits which results in a more even skin tone. Tips: overnight flight completely clear on top of the serum 10-15mins boost, extra brightness and glow #SkinHydration #FightforFresh #Nuori #BEYORG #TurnOrganic #OrganicSkincare 展开
Published Date:8/28/2019 10:45:17 AM From:Facebook
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